
Exodus is unavailable, but you can change that!

For sheer spectacle, you can hardly beat the book of Exodus: a murderous king, God’s appearance to Moses in the burning bush, the series of miraculous signs in Egypt, the Passover, the parting of the Sea of Reeds, and the giving of the law at Mount Sinai. The events of Exodus form the foundation for understanding God and his plan of salvation, serving as the paradigm for the saving ministry of...

are suffering, his faithfulness to earlier promises, his patience with a reluctant Moses, and his concern for the future well-being of the Israelites. Through Moses’s encounter with God at the burning bush we can understand different aspects of God’s nature. Without being fully comprehensive, we can learn the following about God from this passage. God takes the initiative to make himself known. God manifests his presence to Moses, disclosing something of his holy nature. Likewise,
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